Supreme 30 Years: T-Shirts 1994-2024 Book(1 of 18)
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Supreme 30 Years: T-Shirts 1994-2024 Book

This Spring, Supreme will release 30 Years: T-Shirts 1994-2024. The three-volume monograph catalogues every Tee released in Supreme’s 30-year history. All three volumes will be sold together in a slip case.

Tees have played a critical role to Supreme’s history since its inception. The original Supreme shop opened on Lafayette St. in 1994, and some of the first items produced and sold were Tees. Supreme has celebrated the opening of new shops, commemorated iconoclasts from Lou Reed to Kermit the Frog, and developed its irreverent voice – all with Tees.

Available April 25th.

Available in Japan and Seoul April 27th.
